Your second question:

> But when i run my script with module command or script or shell, the state 
> is changed but i'm not rassure if all task in my script is execut ...?

When you use the `script:` module, anything that script does on your remote 
system is outside of the control of Ansible.

It is up to you or the developer of the script to ensure that "all task in 
my script [are] executed".  Does your script have adequate error checking, 
does it check for dependencies with other tools, is it running as the right 

Your first question:

> I want verify if my script is well execut and all task in my script is ok.

Are you asking how you can setup your playbook so that Ansible can 
determine if the script is executable on the remote machine?

If you like, you could add some sanity checking to the top of the 
"" that only executes with a specific flag you pass to it from the 
Ansible execution.  For example, if you add a simple "if" condition to it 
that looks for a command argument `--test_by_ryad`, when that argument is 
found, the script does whatever checking you need, then exits with a 
successful exit code (0), or exits with a failure (1) if it is not.  You 
then setup a two step playbook:

- name: "Verify my script"
  script: ./ --test_by_ryad
  delegate_to: localhost

- name: "Execut my script shell"
  script: ./
  register: result
  delegate_to: localhost

If the first "Verify my script" will run your script in your "test mode" 
and if it exits with a failure, the playbook will stop.  If it exits 
successfully it will continue to execute the script without your test 
parameter and do whatever your script is designed to do.

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