
Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

Here is the playbook


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

  - name: "Testing if I can list the home folder"
      paths: $HOME
    register: files_matched

  - name: "Output data"
      msg: "Testing {{ item.path }}"
    with_items: "{{ files_matched.files }}"
      #- "{{ files_matched.files|flatten(levels=1) }}"

Here is the output
ok: [] => (item={'uid': 1000, 'woth': False, 
'mtime': 1450139013.0, 'inode': 1351746, 'isgid': False, 'size': 11814683, 
'roth': False, 'isuid': False, 'isreg': True, 'pw_name': 'virtual', 'gid': 
10, 'ischr': False, 'wusr': True, 'xoth': False, 'rusr': True, 'nlink': 1, 
'issock': False, 'rgrp': True, 'gr_name': 'wheel', 'path': 
'/home/virtual/buzz.war', 'xusr': False, 'atime': 1542161791.0, 'isdir': 
False, 'ctime': 1450139013.0, 'isblk': False, 'xgrp': False, 'dev': 2049, 
'wgrp': False, 'isfifo': False, 'mode': '0640', 'islnk': False}) => {
    "msg": "Testing /home/virtual/buzz.war"



The output above shows the msg correctly.

However I see the ok line with hostname and extra information.

Am I doing something differently ?

Please help.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

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