- name: Run uri in a loop
    url:https://cloudzone.net/api/{{ item }}/zone
  loop: '{{ response_cloud_id }}'

See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_loops.html#standard-loops

On 3/7/24 6:43 PM, Mohammed Reehan wrote:
Hi Team

i have an array from my previous playbook and saving it as a fact called as
"response_cloud_id": [

I want to use this response_cloud_id for each object as a variable and pass into my URI module in the URL https://cloudzone.net/api/{{ <https://cloudzone.net/api/{{> response_cloud_id }}/zone how can I assign every element in the array to the URL loop through the array in the URL and make multiple calls till the array length is met?

Please help,


Mohammed Rehan

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