Good day.

I want tp parse root's history to return the last occurrence of yum update 
that includes the string "disablerepo". I would have thought that this 
would work:

*---- hosts: all  gather_facts: false  become: yes  tasks:    - name: Get 
last yum update which includes "disablerepo"      shell: 'history | grep -m 
1 disablerepo'      register: out*

but, I get this error:

*fatal: [myhost1]: FAILED! => changed=true  ansible_facts:    
discovered_interpreter_python: /usr/bin/python3  cmd: history | grep -m 1 
disablerepo  delta: '0:00:00.013135'  end: '2024-03-21 09:54:12.391498'  
msg: non-zero return code  rc: 1  start: '2024-03-21 09:54:12.378363'  
stderr: ''  stderr_lines: <omitted>  stdout: ''  stdout_lines: <omitted>*

The command "history | grep -m 1 disablerepo" works fine at the command 
line. I've tried every manner of escaping characters and changing the 
command itself, but get errors regardless. How can I get the desired 

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