Hello experts,

I'm testing a playbook and I intend to make a SQL query on an Oracle
If the query contains the character "$" or is protected "\$", I need them
to be treated as protected "\$".
I'm using the regex_replace filter but I'm having difficulty.
It would be something like:

# Start code
- hosts: "{{ awxhostname }}"
  gather_facts: false
  become: yes
  become_user: oracle


    - name: Exec SQL
        cmd: |
          /u01/app/oracle/product/ -silent "/
as sysdba" << EOF
              SET HEADING OFF;
              SET FEEDBACK OFF;
              SET TAB OFF;
              {{ query | regex_replace('([\\])?([$])', '\1\2') }}
        ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/
        ORACLE_SID: "{{ sid_name }}"
        ORACLE_BASE: /u01/app/oracle
      register: cdb_out

    - name: Output
        msg: "{{ cdb_out.stdout_lines }}"
# Final code

#-> *Obs.: The execution is carried out by AWX through a survey, where:*
awxhostname = Text
query = Textarea

-> And values:

awxhostname: hostname
query: select instance_name from v$instance;

#--> *But in both I am getting the error below. Could you please help me?*

"stdout_lines": [
    "    select instance_name from v",
    "                              *",
    "ERROR at line 1:",
    "*ORA-00942: table or view does not exist*"

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