I would like to trim a large playbook down by looping through the tasks 
using include_tasks in a parent playbook.  However I need to be able to 
track the return code and stdout from those tasks in the parent playbook in 
order to determine overall play success.  Is it possible to pass values 
back into the parent? When I do the following the loop_result only includes 
the values passed to include task but no values recorded in the tasks in 
include_tasks.  I'd like to be able to collect each iteration to test the 
return code from the win_command and stdout in the main.yml.

- name: Powershell
     win_command: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass 
     register: result

- name: test
          msg: "{%if result.rc == 0 %} success {% else %} fail"

usual stuff...

 - name: loop
   include_tasks: tasks.yml
   register: loop_result
   loop: "{{ list }}"

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