I'm not using  'ansible.module_utils.compat.version'.  AAP is using that 
module, i guess.
Underneath playbook works locally, not in AAP. The fact mountfact is a 
dict. I've also tried to add to_json , from_json, and both, without any 
I made a SO post as i'm currently blocked with this. Not sure what to 
troubleshoot next.
This is part of a role, underneath my test playbook.

- name: get instana mounts
  hosts: localhost
    - ansible.builtin.setup:
          filter: 'ansible_mounts'
      delegate_to: vmcode1234 
      connection: ssh
      register: mountfat

    - debug:
          var: item
       loop: "{{ mountfat | community.general.json_query( query ) }}"

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