I have set up a Debian/Ubuntu compatible apt-get repository containing
nightly builds of all languages/ and trunk/ pairs and their dependencies.
This means CG-3, Foma, and HFST are also packaged. I'll add Tromsø
dependencies soonish.

See http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/howto.txt for how to use it. The
one-line install is:
    wget http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/install-nightly.sh -O - | sudo

Every night the service will rebuild all changed packages (and recurse for
dependents), and send a report to the apertium-packaging mailing list if
any action was taken. If a package fails to build, a targeted email will be
sent to everyone who committed to that package since last - you break it,
you get yelled at.

A package build failure email looks something like:

The packages do NOT run "make test", since most tests fail miserably even
though the package works. This is a major blocker for any desire to get
into Debian proper; "make test" must work correctly, or give a damn good
reason for why not to run it.

Code and control files live in

Source packages:


The code is an unholy mix of Perl and Bash and shelling out to call
external pipes.

The control files are not (and cannot be) 100% correct yet with regards to
copyright and licences, but that will come when we figure it out for the
rest of Apertium.

Random technical details:
- The host and build server oqaa.projectjj.com is a Xeon E3-1245 @ 3.4 GHz,
32 GB RAM, 2x 2 TB HDD, with backup from one HDD to the other every 8 hours.
- Several other Apertium'ers have access to this server, and it also hosts
the new APY service.
- The packages are built using 14 separate cowbuilder jails, one for each
distro+arch pair.
- The builds run in parallel per distro+arch, since most builds can't run
with -j8.

Let me know if anything doesn't work or behaves oddly.

-- Tino Didriksen
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