> Great, there is hope then :)
> Do you happen to remember where you found that add-on for MonoDevelop?
> I can't seem to find one that can be downloaded AND plugged into MD.

I'm pretty sure that when I first set it up, I installed it from the Add-in
manager --> Language Bindings, but it's no longer there.  I did find this
[1], but the compile fails when I try it.  Let me know if you get it

[1] https://github.com/fsharp/fsharpbinding

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why its called the present.

Headmaster Squall :: The Wired/Section-9
Close the world  txen eht nepo
$3R14L 3XP3R1M3NT$ #L41N

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