On 11/18/23 07:18, Giovanni Santini wrote:
Let's hope the problem gets solved soon. :)


You may have mentioned this already, but is there anything interesting in the kernel logs?

I see no relevant looking ntfs3 commits in the kernel after 6.6.
There were some in 6.6 [1].

Since linux-lts (6.1) is behaving differently for you than 6.6.1 you may want to report this upstream [2].

It could be that the above commit is related to your problem - you could try building a 6.6.1 kernel with it reverted and see if things work. If not, maybe do git bisect if you're comfortable doing that.

You may also want to be aware of: https://lore.kernel.org/ntfs3/


[1] commit f69d00d12fcee9ce4b4f24bf609ad7398d10a576
Merge: 7cf4bea77ab6 e4494770a5ca
Author: Linus Torvalds <torva...@linux-foundation.org>
Date:   Thu Oct 19 09:10:18 2023 -0700

Merge tag 'ntfs3_for_6.6' of https://github.com/Paragon-Software-Group/linux-ntfs3

[2] https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.19/admin-guide/reporting-bugs.html.

N.B. bugzilla.kernel.org is now monitored and bugs are pulled out and emailed to maintainers and tracked.

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