Thanks for the detailed reply Eli :)

Before I go further, I should mention that this thread has sparked some 
interest among our teammates,
and folks on IRC are researching now a possibility of switching from xz to zstd 

So I think we will return to this topic soon with some updates :)

> And it is not a pixz issue either. For example xz -T $num will compress
> with up to $num cores, as opposed to the default 1, but basic testing
> shows that it produces the same output with 2, 3, 4 etc. cores but
> different output from what you get when using 1 core. You cannot even
> hardcode -T0, since (in addition to requiring packagers to use more
> cores than they want to) that may still get interpreted as 1, which is
> then unreproducible. You can verify this using taskset -c 1...
> (This has been discussed already in #archlinux-pacman.)

Turns out it is possible to make xz use more threads and produce reproducible 
check out this message:

I've confirmed (with real VMs) that -T2, -T3, -T8, all produce the same result, 
on both single-core and multi-core CPUs,
and -T0 produces the same result on multi-core CPU, but -T0 produces a 
different result on a single-core CPU.

Therefore, the simplest workaround that produces reproducible results on all 
types of CPU is this:

-T$([ $(nproc) -lt 2  ] && echo '2' || echo '0')

Or maybe even something like this:

-T$(( $(nproc) + 1  ))

> For the topic of configurable implementations, there is an additional
> hurdle. Since compression happens inside the chroot, even if we did
> support it, it would need some way to look up the required binary and
> install it in the chroot, but we have no tooling for this and in fact
> makepkg does not even know how to check that the binary exists, so you
> will probably just get:
>   -> Compressing package...
> /usr/share/makepkg/util/ line 39: pixz: command not found
> bsdtar: Write error
> ==> ERROR: Failed to create package file.
> The solution would have to require either a known, embedded list of
> "good" ones (if pixz is not reproducible when running the same command
> line twice then we'd need to be able to blacklist that), or else assume
> the user installed it when adding it to their makepkg.conf and using
> pacman -Qo. It is probably overkill to use pkgfile and support
> compressors that aren't installed on the host either...

That is correct.

One final remark, pixz does produce the same result when is run twice, I made a 
mistake when I was testing it.
But it doesn't matter, since we'll probably settle for zstd or xz -T.

Maxim Baz

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