On 11/11/06, Jan de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 12:25 -0500, Askadar wrote:
> > A re-branding to ArchBrowser (or something similar) would be nice,
> > though. "Bon Echo" is terrible, but is still a nice piece of software
> > that I
> > enjoy to use after all.
> I would go for GNU IceWeazel, just like Debian is heading for. The
> problem with iceweazel is that it's 1.5, while "Bon Echo" is 2.0. I
> guess the mozilla guys haven't noticed the name yet, I can't believe a
> non-official build of firefox 1.5 has been named "Deer Park" for the
> whole release cycle.

What exactly are debian distributing? I read somewhere that they were
rebranding  firefox as 'IceWeasel' but not actually distributing GNU
IceWeasel. Am I wrong? or are they just waiting for iceweasel to
establish itself and will move to it in time?

iphitus - Beyond Maintainer, Arch Trusted User, Arch Developer.

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