Welcome to the positive corner of the internet. Here’s a daily digest designed 
to make you healthier in less than 5 minutes. If you were forwarded this 
message, you can get [the free daily email here.](https://arnoldspumpclub.com/)​

## **Today’s Health Upgrade**

* Arnold’s Corner: It’s Time

* The Original TRT

* Workouts of the Week

# **Arnold’s Podcast**

**Motivation every day. **_Want Arnold to help you start your day?_ Each 
morning, we post a new podcast with tips you’ll find in the daily email and 
bonus stories, wisdom, and motivation from Arnold. Listen to Arnold's Pump Club 
podcast. It's like the daily newsletter but with additional narration and 
thoughts from Arnold. You can subscribe on 
 or wherever you listen to podcasts.

----------## Arnold’s Corner: It’s Time

It’s time! I know all of you have been patiently waiting, and today, we are 
opening up The Pump app to the whole village.

**Head to **[thepump.app](https://thepump.app/)** to download and use the 
referral code ARNOLD to get in. **

[Note: If you get an error, give it a few minutes and try again. We’ve prepared 
the servers for you, but the developers told us there are so many of you that 
if everybody clicks at once, it won’t matter, there will be outages. Honestly, 
I love that our village is that big. But it might take a few tries!]

We opened to our 5,000 founding members in April, and we were excited that all 
those spots sold out in less than 72 hours. We have worked nonstop ever since, 
and our founding members gave us unbelievable advice. They’ve helped pump up 
the app by finding bugs, suggesting features, and telling us where they want us 
to focus. **I always say no one is self-made, and when this app becomes the 
greatest fitness app of all time, I want you to remember that it was a team 

Beyond helping to refine the app while they refined their bodies with our 
workout programs, I want to thank our founding members for something else: they 
have turned the community in The Pump into the Positive Corner of the Internet. 

It is one thing for us to make this newsletter the positive corner because we 
control what goes in it. Still, everybody told us that it would be impossible 
to keep this positivity going when we opened up a community to comments. Well, 
when you see the comments, you’ll see that our founding members believe in my 
rule about not listening to the naysayers. **They share wins, struggles, 
feelings, and relentlessly, like a Terminator, they pump each other up. I am 
really proud of the workout programs, habit builder, and the technical parts of 
the app, but I am most proud of all of you just spreading joy and support every 

It really feels like the camaraderie I have always loved about the gym — just a 
lot of people coming together on their own missions, and everybody has one 
thing in common: __they’re looking to be better today than they were 

Now, it’s time to grow beyond the 5,000. And I want to be clear that our goal 
is to maintain that positive feeling. **We will have a zero-tolerance policy 
for any trolling, and that’s why right now, we are only opening up the app 
village to the newsletter village. **You guys know what we are all about.

Here’s what you can expect in the Pump:


This is the best workout program you’ve ever had. Just trust me. This isn’t 
like the fitness apps that let you go from one program to another because 
that’s not how you will progress. And I would rather have 100,000 users with 
amazing progress than a million frustrated they’re stagnant. 

I help guide you through all the workouts with exercise videos and 
instructional tips. We lock you into a program called The Foundation for your 
first 90 days. Along with different plans based on your gender, you get a 
different plan based on whether you have access to a gym or you want to do 
bodyweight training, whether you are just starting from scratch, you’re 
intermediate, or you’ve been training forever, and whether your goal is getting 
bigger or getting leaner. But everybody starts with a 90-day foundation 
customized to your goals, so you’re all in this together.

This is funny now that our founding group is on to their second or third 
program, but you wouldn’t believe how many messages we got in the first week or 
two after opening: “Arnold, this looks too easy…” It was fantastic watching 
those messages change to messages about how much progress they were seeing 
compared to their old way of training. And to messages saying, “That damn 
Arnold crushed me, but it feels good.”


We created a habit builder feature that lets you do what we always push in this 
newsletter: pick a vision, pick a daily goal to get closer to that vision, and 
mark it off every day. We limit you to 3 daily actions so you don’t get crazy 
and build too big of a routine and fail, but we finally launched this last 
week, and the members are saying it is helping them meet their goals from 
playing music to not snacking after dinner.

_**Support and Accountability**_

This is the best community on the entire internet. I do a Q&A almost every 
week, and I can’t wait to answer your questions. We also have Q&A’s with top 
experts, and Adam and Daniel are there to help you overcome all your hurdles. 
That’s in addition to challenges and articles about health, fitness, and 
nutrition. And there is one constant: the comment sections are pure inspiration.

But you don’t have to listen to me. Check it out for yourself. **When you 
join,** **there is a 7-day free trial, but I guarantee you'll be hooked once 
you try the workouts and interact with the village. Go to 
**[thepump.app](http://thepump.app/)**. Use referral code: ARNOLD.**

We wanted the positive corner of the internet to be accessible, so the price is 
lower than that famous social media site that can’t decide on a name but always 
leaves you angry. The difference is you’ll always feel good when you close The 

Now, nothing changes for those who don’t think you’re ready for an app with a 
designed program or those who only want free workouts. We’ll always have the 
workout of the week and all the motivation and information you’re used to right 
here for free. That’s my commitment to you.

But if you are in that group that doesn’t feel ready, today’s workout of the 
week is our first workout for the Starting from Scratch Foundation from the app 
just to give you a taste and let you know that we live by my motto that fitness 
is truly for everyone. And since it would be rude to leave everybody else out, 
we are also including an intermediate and an advanced workout. 

Remember, these are 90-day programs, and this is a snapshot. All the programs 
are based on my programming. They get harder every week because that’s the 
definition of progressive resistance training, but one thing I’ve reminded the 
app village over and over —  if it ever feels easy, you need to up the weights 
or up your intensity. If you are taking a set just short of failure, it should 
never feel easy.

I look forward to seeing all of you in The Pump!

## The Original TRT

What’s the fastest way to improve your hormones? Before you try supplements or 
other pharmaceutical interventions, there’s one change you can make that 
repeatedly leads to significant results. 

[A 46-year research 
review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5477803/)** suggests** 
**that getting leaner can boost your natural testosterone.**

Suffering from low testosterone can disrupt your day-to-day life, such as 
suffering from low energy, mood disruptions, sleep trouble, less muscle, and 
decreased libido. 

The scientists conducted a comprehensive review and found that lifestyle 
changes can be the quickest and most effective way to turn things around. In 
particular, **losing fat and becoming leaner can boost testosterone by an 
average of 30 percent.**

But it goes deeper than that. The more fat you lose, the more testosterone 
tends to spike. According to [performance coach Dan 
Garner](https://www.instagram.com/dangarnernutrition/), studies focusing on 
testosterone have found that:

* Losing 5 percent of your weight results in a 58 ng/dL increase in 

* Losing about 10 percent of weight results in an 84 ng/dL increase in 

* Losing approximately 30 percent of your weight results in a 251 ng/dL 
increase in testosterone.

As Garner points out: _“Body fat contains an enzyme called aromatase, which 
converts testosterone into estrogen, the primary female sex hormone. As a man's 
body fat percentage increases, so does the activity of this enzyme -- so adding 
a testosterone booster to a body with existing elevated aromatase activity is 
just as likely to give you more estrogen as testosterone.”_

There’s nothing wrong if you and your doctor determine you need hormone 
replacement therapy, such as TRT. But, often, this is a step to take after 
you’ve exhausted all lifestyle interventions. It’s an “easy button” that misses 
the bigger picture and can cover up problems that cause your low testosterone 
in the first place. **When you don’t address disruptive lifestyle behaviors, 
you’re likely setting yourself up for more health issues down the road. **

By focusing on diet and training changes that reduce body fat and build muscle, 
your testosterone will increase, your entire health will also improve, and 
you’ll start looking and feeling better. 

## Workouts of the Week

As Arnold promised above, here’s a snapshot of three different workouts in The 
Pump app. Remember, when you join the app, you complete a questionnaire to help 
customize a plan based on a few variables, including your experience, goals, 
and access to a gym. Each week, you get updated plans that help you progress 
the workouts based on Arnold’s workout philosophy. Whether or not you join the 
app, we’ll provide a free workout every Monday. 


1. [Chair squats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb59FuK01Zo): 3 x 10 reps

2. [Bench plank](https://youtu.be/J9K1A3We9dI?si=jj84azBiyo8MN_a1): 3 x 10 

3. [Bodyweight squat](https://youtu.be/Hmmjb-vmT8U?si=26SFMamHr7T1ACSm): 3 x 8 

4. [Assisted (incline) 
pushup](https://youtu.be/IALWxidCwgU?si=e2fiLqvid_bbnPEN): 3 x 8 reps

5. [Hip raise](https://youtu.be/fwTbvx9o8kE?si=siQFKltXMgnQD7VY): 3 x 8 reps


1. [Barbell squat:](https://youtu.be/08BLwIWmy_o?si=oIBIJmvhYFtB4KJ6) 3 sets x 
10 reps

2A. [Dumbbell bench press](https://youtu.be/hC7Lha7vu3Y?si=mbGHJkszNYCQnZ_2): 2 
x 10 reps

2B. [2-arm Dumbbell row](https://youtu.be/J6dUU9gIBnY?si=p1fa5Brci_yzKO2F): 2 x 
10 reps

3A. [Dumbbell straight leg 
deadlif](https://youtu.be/0aGiR1sYRbo?si=hhTcm1rfS55iDnP6)t: 2 x 10 reps

3B. [Dumbbell front squat](https://youtu.be/e4ggZTXXLok?si=HDIeRpfKipw6jn0u): 2 
x 10 reps

4. Cable crunch 2 x 10 reps


1. [Barbell deadlift](https://youtu.be/Ss6FARFppoY?si=8vfl_InqBDNaB4Xk): 3 sets 
x 6 reps

2. [Incline barbell press](https://youtu.be/mlsFpzNshjU?si=OqmEfOCH3CCcyKoZ): 3 
x 6 reps

3. [Lat pulldown](https://youtu.be/FmjhV4L_5-E?si=_8DrZM8rcNNY_9xH): 2 x 8 reps

4. [Dumbbell front squat](https://youtu.be/e4ggZTXXLok?si=HDIeRpfKipw6jn0u): 2 
x 8 reps

5. [Leg extensions](https://youtu.be/g9LpJpmO-oA?si=YMze0KWyxImdH-Ov): 2 x 8 

6A. [Dumbbell overhead 
press](https://youtu.be/iRBeEc0zEtA?si=R4q8shfprWXzhrTQ): 2 x 8 reps

6B. [Dumbbell biceps curls](https://youtu.be/0c1JPLaWf9g?si=AGsnORv96UTtTJPp): 
2 x 8 reps

7. [Lying leg raise (abs)](https://youtu.be/_ZOJWfY-OGE?si=lUevo2uZqQODLWtt): 3 
x 10 reps

Give the workouts a try, and let us know what you think!


**Publisher:** [Arnold Schwarzenegger](https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger)​

**Editors-in-chief:** [Adam Bornstein](https://www.instagram.com/bornfitness/) 
and [Daniel Ketchell](https://twitter.com/ketch)

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