On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/1/16, Peter Robinson <pbrobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If they're aiming it at IoT products, which they seem to be doing:
>> 1) dedicated bandwidth to BT/WiFI
>> 2) more stable
>> 3) cheaper when on board
>> 4) generally less problematic
>>> Much more interesting, IMHO would be the addition of a SATA port AND USB
>>> 3.0.
>> Again of no use for the target market, both USB-3 and SATA are
>> expensive from the $ to license the IP and the cost of board
>> components
> Cypress disagrees wrt usefulness of a USB 3.0 port for IoT

I don't disagree it's not useful, but this discussion is _NOT_ useful
because _WE_ can't change the HW!

> Well, the TI USB 3.0 driver IC costs between $2 and $4 a piece

$2-4 is 10% of the cost of a Raspberry Pi 3, please apply some
context, again not useful in this thread.

> " not to mention the power use, besides ..."
> I get your point wrt maximum power supply over the usb 33.0 bus, BUT
> USB 3.0 actually features BETTER power saving than 2.0...

Actually that is a "it depends" because a GigE PHYS uses an order of
magnitude more power than a 100Mb PHY. It's not just about the bus but
what you plug into it. That is a big problem even with the RPi2 and
one of the reasons they upped the PSU requirements in the RPi3.

> Oh well... my point only was to stick to the "KISS PRINCIPLE". Deliver

Your point is still pointless because it's nothing that can be changed
by people on this list.

> It seems I'll have to shell out the extra bucks needed for one of these 
> puppies
> while waiting for the elusive RasPi 4 or RasPi5 w USB 3.0...

Buy a device that best fits your needs, if that's usb-3 then don't buy
a RPi device.....

> http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G143452239825
> Wonder if Fedora ARM would boot on that at all...

I've had some reports it works, we don't currently have a u-boot but
there is upstream Device Tree support for it enabled in out kernel.
Further reports are welcome.

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