Hi Bernhard, Ivan, All,

Ivan M <i2initiati...@gmail.com> wrote;
> Hi Bernhard, all,
> I hope that everyone on the art list will add their views on this
> subject. The speedy response to the logo design proposal suggests that
> there is a widespread desire to have an impact on OOo's visual
> branding/artwork/design/identity, so I hope that this discussion will
> become just as vibrant.
> ...

Sorry I don't have time to reply to all the points you made in that post Ivan, 
but overall, I strongly agree with your (and Bernhard's) proposal to make Art 
into something more integrally a part of the OOo project.

Right now I get the feeling the "Art" project is considered more of a source of 
"Fan art" for the OOo product and that "Visual Identity" is where people go to 
get the serious stuff done (Branding, UI). I honestly don't see why that is. I 
can add, personally, that I would definitely prefer to be involved in a project 
involved in ALL graphic areas of OOo. So whether you all see this as either;

1. Closer interaction with the other projects
2. Creation of a new and more diverse project
3. Merger with the other graphic projects

I'm for any of these proposals of it means one location for all graphic work 
and a more visible contribution from the COMMUNITY into the product.

In the next few weeks I'll be working intensively on my thesis and may not be 
able to respond quickly.
Please don't take this as a sign of disinterest. On the contrary, I couldn't be 
more excited by the things you're both proposing.
As soon as my other obligations are over, I'll be looking to inject a healthy 
dose of Design contribution across all areas of OOo.
(I've had quite a few ideas brewing for OOo and not enough time to enact any of 
I hope your actions in the next few weeks mean that our contributions to OOo 
can be extended into the branding and UI too.

Thanks to Graham, Ivan and Sebastien for the logo feedback!

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