Afro-slaves also suffered untouchability --even in 20th century when they were no longer considered slaves. They could not sit on the same seats in buses --even in cities -as per US law!! Rosa Parks went to jail for that in 1955. I saw her body in US Capitol/Congress building last year --now she was admired. They could not go into the same restaurants as whites -- I read in my high school textbook autobiography ( The Greatest)  Muhammad Ali 's eviction from a white only restaurant --just after he had one Olympic Gold for boxing. Ofcourse now they don't have tens of them getting killed --like in India occasionally -for Dalits.
On History channel I saw a secret story of Ku Klux Klan who were white supremacist and on the sly killed blacks -- they had 4 million members in 1920s and 5 of them became US senators and 16 total senators - on their support.
 They were till as legitimate in US as Jehadis militia men are in Iraq now. 

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Both Dalits and Afro-American Slaves have one reason to have been what they had been-------machines-lack of it .
Dalits__Had to carry the can-No flowing water in the cistern-no bacteriological sewage treatment technology -even today for 85% .So fear of infection-"Don't touch"
Afro-Slaves-All the land-noTractors.No Diesel, no machine transportation,no  mexicans/no Indians on H1visas-so work hard-maximize profits-don't dare to move- time is money!
Machines/powered flight/ Transistor--changed all. But not completed yet.

From:  umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [Assam] becoming Anti-Dalit;Watch "CNN / CBS : Dalits in India" on Google Video
Date:  Fri, 3 Nov 2006 21:10:52 +0000 (GMT)

some might like to read or see movie  " To kill a mocking bird" a book read by ALL high school students in USA -of an era not even century ago --when Blacks were the Dalits of USA.
Further, unlike Dalits of today in India (atleast a few of whom have become state chief ministers/governors) they could not even vote to elect their own (till 1965). CNN documentary goes on to show that most western media reports show there is no hope within the Eastern system of religion or philosophy or society system --as the reporter shows while interviewing a Catholic nun -who says the same.
Caste is no worse or better than race -- change the class -and all
The CNN reports sugggests that within India an untouchable can never hope to do any better -- what about USA opening its doors to them as refugees? How did Dr Ambedkar change his status -- thru education --isn't that his motto?
PS: However, I have a personal experience how some  upper caste youth force others to support their anti-dalit cause. When I joined college in 1990 July I was forced to joing the anti-reservation rallies during Mandal Commission agitation in Delhi University. Our seniors in the hostel (mostly from Bihar) made us all newcomers join  the ruckus.

jaipurschool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: jaipurschool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Watch "CNN / CBS Commentary on Dalits in India" on Google

Your friend, [EMAIL PROTECTED], has sent you the following video from Google Video:  
CNN / CBS Commentary on Dalits in India

14 min 18 sec - Jan 18, 2006
Average rating:   (45 ratings)
Description: This video depicts the plight of untouchables(also known as dalits) in India.This video was originally telecast by CBS/CNN . Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace
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Ed.M. - International Education Policy
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