Didn't get any responses to my message below so I'm resending.  Also I have
0 set for session limits but see the following entry in my logs:
Mar-26-10 21:03:05 [Main_Thread] Warning : SMTP-session-limit 999 is reached
- SMTP listeners will be switched off

More possible problems.  After disabling the regex assp does not die on 2
servers, however sometimes on both of these servers assp stops accepting new
requests.  So I looked at the maillog file during one of these problems and
found the following:

Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x118cc5c8) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files
Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x11907ee0) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files
Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x9b0fd500) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files
Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x936fd6f0) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files
Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x9342ec98) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files
Mar-24-10 13:50:49 [Worker_12] Error: Worker_12 accept to client failed
IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x936785f0) (timeout: 2 s) : Too many open files

After that the server stopped responding to requests on port 25 but assp was
still running.  I find this error interesting because I had already
increased the number of open files allowed for the assp user the server runs
as several months ago to 65500 in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.  I
verified these changes were valid by doing 'ulimit -a' as the assp user.  I
find it hard to believe assp has 65,500 files open??? After all I am using
the mysql db and berkeley db for most everything now.  So how come assp has
so many files open?  Is it possible that assp does not close open files
correctly and as it runs throughout time this number just keeps increasing?
In addition to finding a resolution on this it would be nice if assp
automatically restarted itself in this case (which it did not do).  Because
the restart would have fixed the issue.

Issue #2:

I have assp restart itself automatically in a cron job, it usually works
fine.  However this time it looked like there was a problem retrieving the
griplist?  See the error below.  As a result ASSP never restarted correctly
and just sat their not processing any incoming requests until I restarted it

         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:16 [Worker_10] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:16 [Worker_10] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.
         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:17 [Worker_11] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:17 [Worker_11] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.
         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_12] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_12] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.
         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_13] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_13] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.
         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_15] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_15] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.
         - BDB:Permission denied
Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_14] BerkeleyDB-CRT-ENV-ERROR Griplist:
BDB:Permission denied Mar-25-10 00:00:18 [Worker_14] BerkeleyDB-ENV-ERROR
Griplist: Can't call method "set_timeout" on an undefined value at (eval
1894) line 80.

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