
My comments were based on No Optout meant that "all email and all 
recipients". Apparently, No Optout does not mean what I thought. So it 
doesn't matter.

The "if block" of BombOK check contains a return from getbody. It is 
possible that check returns and the BombBlackOK "if block" is not 
executed. Whether that is important or not depended on "No Optout".

my $slok= is an assignment of the check result, so a flag is set and 
used later. Whether that is important or not depended on "No Optout".

Use Black Regular Expression to Identify Spam Strictly (DoBlackRe)
Each incoming message is checked against the BlackRe to Identify Spams. 
No Optout.

In the usage case, DoBombRe is set to score and DoBlackRe is set to 
block. Specifc messages containing for example:

M a x G e n t l e m a n

Where the above string is in both BombRe and BlackRe. SpamLover 
recipient are scored as spam, but not blocked.

Michael Thomas
Toll Free: 1-877-MATHBOX (1-877-628-4269)

On 2/18/2012 9:34 AM, Thomas Eckardt wrote:
> my $slok=

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