

442 Connection from $IP temporarily refused, host listed by $LIST


 to this

in case, when in ASSP installation used special ClavAV  .DB with spam messages 


 IMHO, best _allow_ set RBLError ( and Co) a-la
RBLError:=442 4.2.2 DNS Blacklisted by RBLLISTED

( Default settings:
RBLError:=554 5.7.1 DNS Blacklisted by RBLLISTED

and if RBLError contain 4XX do  " emit a "tempfail"  "

Best regards, Victor Miasnikov
Blog:  http://vvm.blog.tut.by/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Eckardt" <thomas.ecka...@thockar.com>
To: "ASSP development mailing list" <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 8:03 PM
Subject: [Assp-test] Antwort: DNSBL reject msg...

??? .....


Von:    Grayhat <gray...@gmx.net>
An:     assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net,
Datum:  04.09.2012 17:20
Betreff:        [Assp-test] DNSBL reject msg...

I've been reading some stuff and found that there are pros and cons to
what I'm suggesting... let me go straight to the ball; at the moment,
if ASSP uses DNS blacklists (or URIBLs for that) and if an IP (or URL
or domain) is listed (or at least the list score goes "over limit") the
result is a 5xx reject message; fine, but what about adding an option
so that, instead of emitting a reject, ASSP could emit a "tempfail",
that is, something like (e.g.)

442 Connection from $IP temporarily refused, host listed by $LIST

this way, even if using "aggressive" lists, a given message won't be
directly rejected but just delayed and, if the sending MTA retries (and
if our "aggressive list" suddenly removes the IP - e.g. false positive
cases), the mail won't be lost in outer space but just delayed; I know,
you may object that this may possibly cause some additional load to the
box running ASSP, but consider that spambots almost *ignore* the SMTP
result code, so at all effects, adopting such an option would slightly
help getting mail from "good hosts" which, for a reason or another got
listed by some DNS blacklist; I think that adding such an option to
ASSP (and again, an OPTION, not a default behaviour) may be useful.

thoughts ?

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