There are so many way to this ... for example:

make a group of domains for the report and exclude the honeypot
use the replace recipient feature to translate all honeypot addresses in 
to a single one - nice, you'll get one report line with the count of all 
honeypot attempts
do not log the final log line, which has [spam found] and the honeypot 
domain in it
use 'BlockReport/' to remove unwanted content fron the report 
(could be very complex)


Von:    K Post <>
An:     ASSP development mailing list <>
Datum:  13.09.2015 17:42
Betreff:        [Assp-test] Block Report Filter

One of the unfortunate parts of my job is analyzing the block report on a
nightly basis.  Yes, you should feel sorry for me.

I recently implemented some honeypots, which are working great along with
your new method of having the database rebuild immediately with them.

I've got a whole subdomain that's just a honeypot.  I added that subdomain
to the BlockReportFilter with the idea that I don't have to see the random
emails that come in - and there are a lot of them.

The filter seems to work, but unfortunately, each recipient address is
still listed in the block report.  There aren't any messages, instead it
shows each email address followed by "no blocked" followed by something
like "1 line skipped on global defined filter regex 'BlockReportFilter'"
- and there's a ton of email addresses.

*Is there a way to have addresses that have no activity other than what's
filtered out simply not show in a wildcard block report?*

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