Message Statistics - counts only blocked mails
Message Scoring Statistics - counts scores (possibly multiple times per 

Both counters are independed.


Von:    "Dirk Kulmsee" <>
An:     "'ASSP development mailing list'" 
Datum:  30.09.2016 14:57
Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] virus count / statistics (minor 

A partial reset could be true for long term statistics, but especially for
the first column (current runtime) I would expect something like
"Viruses Detected = virus-ClamAV + virus-FileScan"

Best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Thomas Eckardt [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. September 2016 14:49
An: ASSP development mailing list <>
Betreff: Re: [Assp-test] virus count / statistics (minor importance)

Normaly this will not happen. Possibly a code correction (long time ago)
caused a reset of some Stats values.


Von:    "Dirk Kulmsee" <>
An:     "'ASSP development mailing list'" 
Datum:  30.09.2016 14:24
Betreff:        [Assp-test] virus count / statistics (minor importance)

Hi all,


in addition to ClamAV I have installed G Data AV via FileScanCMD. I can 
from the email notifications I get, that this catches a lot of malware
(mostly addressed to non-existent recipients anyway).


If I look at the "Message Scoring Statistics" page of the GUI it says:


virus-ClamAV:   0              3

virus-FileScan:  80           240


On the other hand, when I look at the "Message Statistics" page of the GUI
it says:


Viruses Detected:           4             130


Where would this difference come from?


(currently running ASSP version 2.5.2(16270))


Best regards



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