I mentioned this a while ago, and even after upgrading to 16280 the problem 
still exists.

Running Perl 5.018002

Can anyone help me? I’m getting desperate as I can’t work out what is causing 
the problem. Everything else on the box (Postfix, Dovecot, etc) continues to 
run fine when ASSP has the connection issue.

Thanks in advance,


Original post:

I have an annoying problem. I think it started after upgrading to 16236, but 
can’t be sure. ASSP runs fine for a few days, then can’t connect to anything. 
For example it can’t connect to ClamAV, the SMTP destination or any of the DNS 
that I have set.

Log looks like this:

Sep-05-16 11:06:01 [Worker_1] ClamAV Up
Sep-05-16 11:06:01 id-37560-20112 [Worker_1] [OIP:] 
<store-n...@vip.kogan.com> to: us...@bordo.com.au ClamAV: scanned 49122 bytes 
in file 
/Applications/assp/spam/55_4K_Smart_TV_with_Chromecast_Only_789--83789.eml -  
Sep-05-16 11:06:01 [Worker_1] ClamAV Temporary Off : Cannot connect to 
'localhost:1937': IO::Socket::INET: connect: timeout
Sep-05-16 11:06:12 [Worker_1] *** didn't work, trying others...
Sep-05-16 11:06:12 [Worker_1] Error: couldn't create server socket to -- aborting connection
Sep-05-16 11:06:12 [Worker_1] *** didn't work, trying others...
Sep-05-16 11:06:51 [Main_Thread] Admin connection from user root on host 
::1:55453; page:/shutdown;
Sep-05-16 11:07:00 [Worker_1] *** didn't work, trying others...
Error: couldn't create server socket to -- aborting connection 
(suppressed 3 concurrent equal 'Error' loglines from all Workers)
Sep-05-16 11:07:03 [Worker_10000] Warning: Name Server mynameserverlocalIP: 
does not respond or timed out 
Sep-05-16 11:07:03 [Worker_10000] Warning: Name Server does not 
respond or timed out 
Sep-05-16 11:07:03 [Worker_10000] ERROR: !!!! no answering DNS-SERVER found !!!!
Sep-05-16 11:07:06 [Worker_10000] DMARCpol: searching for 
DMARC-agregate-reports to generate in 9 stored DMARC policy records
Sep-05-16 11:07:06 [Worker_10000] Info: saving Stats in file asspstats.sav
Sep-05-16 11:07:06 [Worker_10000] Info: saving ScoreStats in file 
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] Info: looking for files to (re)send
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] (re)send - try to open: 
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] (re)send - process: 
/Applications/assp/resendmail/dmarc_a1473037324.51500607.eml (try 1
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] (re)send - 
/Applications/assp/resendmail/dmarc_a1473037324.51500607.eml - From: 
postmas...@bordo.com.au - To: i5yb0...@ag.dmarcian.com
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] (re)send 
/Applications/assp/resendmail/dmarc_a1473037324.51500607.eml to host: (smtpDestination)
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] Couldn't connect to using 
Sep-05-16 11:07:07 [Worker_10000] *** send to (smtpDestination) 
didn't work, trying others…

Restarting ASSP (from the GUI) gets it to work again.

ASSP version 2.5.2(16236)

IO::Socket::INET is version 2.72

Any ideas?



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