I'm having an issue with certain very annoying outside vendors sending pdf
files with javascript in them.  I need to put in exceptions for these
senders, so I figured now might be a good time to implement templates in

I'd apprecite a quick review of my plan to make sure that I've got the
logic correct.  There's some nuance that I'm not sure I've got right, like
excepting MSOM from a rule that includes a template that includes exe-\bin

Here's what I am doing now without templates.
In general, for all users, I want to block, in both directions:

and any of those exetensions with a .zip on the end
and any zip file that contains any of those extensions
and any encrypted zip

This works fine with my current setup.  Individual exceptions are a pain,
since I need to edit them all any time I make an extension change.  (see
the john example below). Thomas saves the day with Templates and rules!!

The current non-template solution involves:
Level 1 as

Level 2 as

everyone is set to Level 2

In UserAttach I have:

# look in zips for these bad files too
#  *bin type removed *to allow formatted excel with printer settings
zip:* => block =>

# for al...@ourdomain.org and monitor@, special alert mailboxs, allow any
type of file through
# also need to put them in noscan config so javascript isn't stripped
al...@ourdomain.org => good => .*
moni...@ourdomain.org => good => .*

# john gets MSOM exception to allow a bunch of annoying vendors to email
attachments with them
j...@ourdomain.org => block =>

# anyone in the encr.ourdomain.org subdomain need to be able to send
encrypted zips
# * says anything in a zip, crypt-zip says encrypted okay
zip:*@encr.ourdoamin.org => good-out => .*|crypt\-zip

I'm planning to replace the above UserAttach with:

# Template for all of our bad extensions
~StdBlockExts =>

# Rule that blocks bad extensions and zip files with the bad exts inside
~~StdBlockRule => block ~StdBlockExts|(~StdBlockExts).zip

# all users by default have the StdBlockRuleApplied
# this would be overridden by a longer user part of the definition
# longest userpart wins.  NO inheritance
*@* => ~~StdBlockRule

# for all users look inside zips for these bad files too
# bin type is here removed to allow formatted excel with printer settings
through which are in bin files inside of zips
zip:* => block => ~StdBlockExts|--bin    <-- is that the right way to have
an exception for bin files inside of a zip?

# for al...@ourdomain.org and monitor@, special alert mailboxs, allow any
type of file through
# also need to put them in noscan config so javascript isn't stripped
al...@ourdomain.org => good => .*
moni...@ourdomain.org => good => .*

# john gets MSOM exception to allow office macros through
j...@ourdomain.com => block => ~StdBlockExts|:MSOM    <-- adding an :MSOM
exception, correct syntax?

or could I do
j...@ourdomain.com => ~~StdBlockRule|:MSOM  <-- exception to a RULE?  does
that work?

# our users in the @encr.ourdomain.org subdomain need to be able to send
encrypted zips
# * says anything in a zip,
# special definition crypt-zip says encrypted okay
zip:*@encr.ourdomain.org => good-out => .*|crypt\-zip

jspdfsen...@externaldomain.com => ~~StdBlockRule|:JSPDF    <-- does this
 ??  would I need to set a good rule here or soemthing instead?  I'm
worried that the *@* line, which I didn't have before trying the templates,
will still be matched for the recipient and still block jspdf
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