As an update to this, it appears the WIX who hosts our DNS does not support
2048 bit DKIM keys. They say if you try to do that long of txt record it
will get cut off at 255 characters From the number of characters in the key
I believe ASSP is using a 2048 bit key.  Is there some way to generated
1024 bit keys for it to use instead of the 2048 bit key?

Thank you,


On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 4:12 PM, John Wolf <> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am trying to get ASSP to sign outgoing messages with DKIM.
> I am running ASSP 2.6.1 on Ubuntu Linux
> I have checked the box to tell it to sign the messages and gone into the
> dkimconfig.txt file and filled in the first section with:
>  <>
>   <mail>
>     Algorithm=rsa-sha1
>     Method=relaxed/relaxed
>     Headers=Message-ID:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type
>     KeyFile=/usr/share/assp/certs/server-key.pem
>     Mode=DKIM
>   </mail>
>  </ >
> The keyfile line points to the private key file generated when assp was
> installed.
> Is there anything I messed up in that file?  The rest of it is as it was
> before. The only difference is our domain is in where
> is.
> Thanks for any help...
> John Wolf
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