Hi all,

fixed in assp 2.6.2 *Fortress* build 18064:


- 'DoDomainCheck','Validate MX or A Record' is changed
  'If activated, the sender address and each address found in the 
following header lines ....
   If only an IP-address is found for a MX, the A record check fails, if 
the IP has no valid PTR and DoInvalidPTR is enabled.

- The analyzer now shows all log lines produced while the analyze task is 

- The DKIM check now fails, if the signature_reject_reason is 'public key: 
not available'


- the hidden config parameter 'AllowCodeInRegex' is added to enable the 
code execution in regular expressions

$AllowCodeInRegex = 0;   # (0/1) allow the usage of executable perl code 
(?{code_to_run}) in regular expression - change this ONLY, if you really 
know what you do

- 'SSLAdvancedServerConfigFile','File with Advanced SSL-Server Parameters'
  'Full path to the text file containing the server's advanced SSL 
  If your SSL-server configuration requires additionally SSL-parameters 
according to IO::Socket::SSL and/or Net::SSLeay (for example: special 
Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange)
  and you don't want to use SSLWEBConfigure , SSLSTATConfigure , 
SSLSMTPConfigure confuration options, you may define a text file with your 
parameters here.
  NOTICE: assp will not check, if your configuration settings, made in 
this file, are valid - they are used as defined. In doubt, use SSLDEBUG to 
trace their effects.
  The settings in this file are passed as part of the IO::Socket::SSL 
configuration HASH to IO::Socket::SSL as they are defined.
  Any setting redefined in this file will override default internal assp 
settings as well as the above assp SSL configuration settings.
  The assp SSL settings below this tag are not effected.

  The syntax in this this file is the same like a HASH definition in Perl:
  - lines starting with an # are comments and are ignored
  - empty lines are ignored
  - each definition for a parameter has to be terminated with a comma
  - keyword and value have to be separated with =>

  # this is my special Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange for all 
  SSL_dh_file => full_path_to_your_DH-File,
  SSL_ecdh_curve => secp384r1,
  next-key => {
    subkey1 => subvalue1,
    subkey2 => [ARRAY-item-0, ARRAY-item-1, ...],
    subkey3 => {
      key => value,
  last-key =>last-value,

  The defined file is watched for changes by assp. An possible reread of 
this file is only shown if SSLDEBUG is set to ON.
  It is highly recommended to read the documentation of IO::Socket::SSL 
and/or Net::SSLeay!
  Because the location of this file can be outside the assp folder, it 
can't be modified using assp! Please use an external file editor.


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