
I've caught this today:

2018-05-15 08:03:31 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2018-05-15 08:03:31 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected - 
nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2018-05-15 08:03:31 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/blockreportuser.txt' for config 'BlockReportFile' was 
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Main_Thread] Info: added schedule : BlockReport - for : 
*@domain.tld=>*=>1=> - at : 0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * - next run is at : 
2018-05-15 12:00:00
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Worker_10000] Info: notification message queued to sent to 
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Worker_10000] Error: Worker_10000: Can't use an undefined 
value as a subroutine reference at sub main::ThreadMaintMain2 line 63.
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Main_Thread] SyncCFG: start synchronization of 
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Worker_10000] Info: auto restart died worker Worker_10000
2018-05-15 08:03:32 [Worker_10000] Info: cleaned command 'syncConfigSend' from 
2018-05-15 08:04:11 [Main_Thread] Warning: Main_Thread is unable to transfer 
connection to any worker - try again!
2018-05-15 08:04:56 [Main_Thread] Warning: Main_Thread is unable to transfer 
connection to any worker - try again!

There then seems to be no traffic until 08:05:00 (approx. 90s)

It is highly unlikely that BlockReportFile was changed at this time. The line 
from BlockReportFile that is quoted used to work but I can see it is now 
missing the "# next run" so I'm suspecting the 4 hour schedule is the issue 
here. I know it used to be right because I questioned whether the number of 
days could be less than 1 when it was initially set up.

Even more odd is that I don't get this error every four hours - the last time 
it happened was on the 10th so there must be more to it than the entry in the 

2018-05-10 08:02:46 [Main_Thread] Saving config
2018-05-10 08:02:46 [Main_Thread] Info: no configuration changes detected - 
nothing to save - file /usr/local/assp/assp.cfg is unchanged
2018-05-10 08:02:46 [Main_Thread] Adminupdate: file 
'/usr/local/assp/files/blockreportuser.txt' for config 'BlockReportFile' was 
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Worker_10000] Error: Worker_10000: Can't use an undefined 
value as a subroutine reference at sub main::ThreadMaintMain2 line 63.
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Worker_10000] Info: notification message queued to sent to 
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Worker_10000] Error: Worker_10000: Can't use an undefined 
value as a subroutine reference at sub main::ThreadMaintMain2 line 63.
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Main_Thread] Info: added schedule : BlockReport - for : 
*@domain.tld =>*=>1=> - at : 0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * - next run is at : 
2018-05-10 12:00:00
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Worker_10000] Info: auto restart died worker Worker_10000
2018-05-10 08:02:47 [Main_Thread] SyncCFG: start synchronization of 
2018-05-10 08:03:04 [Worker_10001] SyncCFG: request to synchronize 
2018-05-10 08:03:13 [Worker_10001] SyncCFG: successfully sent config for 
BlockReportFile to
2018-05-10 08:03:46 [Main_Thread] Warning: Main_Thread is unable to transfer 
connection to any worker - try again!

Traffic didn't stop that time.
I'm not sure it's a significant problem, but it's an error nonetheless.
All the best,

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