

Von:    "K Post" <nntp.p...@gmail.com>
An:     "ASSP development mailing list" <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
Datum:  24.10.2021 04:36
Betreff:        [Assp-test] Concept question with sample code: 
DKIMWLAddresses single line for .domain.com and @domain.com?

(I believe I have this working, see code please)

I estimate that at least 90% of the time that I want to add an entry to 
DKIMWLAddresses that I put two lines, one for @domain.com and the other to 
match the subdomains, so .domain.com.

That's fine,and works well, but I'd like to see ASSP allow admins to use a 
single line shorthand for signatures ending in both .domain.com and @
domain.com.  So instead of
just do the shorthand of

The last time I asked for a new feature, you suggested that I try coding 
it myself, so I did.  There's no pride in authorship here, I'm a LOUSY 
coder.  I'd love to see how you tackle this, provided that my concept's 

I picked the >> characters, since > is illegal in email addresses / domain 
names.  Originally, I selected the + character, but that can be in the 
user part of the email address.  >> is highly visible when scanning 
through config files, a single > wasn't as easy for me to spot.

So,I tested out modifying the setDKIMNPAddressesRE and 
setDKIMWLAddressesRE functions, from:
my $new=shift;
    $new||=$neverMatch; # regexp that never matches
          'DKIM whitelisted',$_[0]);

my $new=shift;
    $new||=$neverMatch; # regexp that never matches
          'DKIM whitelisted',$_[0]);

If my hack coding is correct, this will take the existing string, which is 
already a regex compiled by ASSP based on the non-regex DKIMWL/NPAddresses 
entered by the user, look for

>>whatever| or >>whatever at the end of the string and change that to
(\@|\.)whever| or no | if it's the end of the string

In my rudimentary testing, that seems to work.   

What do you think?  

That would cut down my DKIMWLAddresses down by close to 50%, and make 
management much easier.

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