found this in the assp dev forum

it's related to ubuntu, but it may help to get an idea


Von:    "Mr. Courtney Creighton" <>
Datum:  19.11.2022 04:02
Betreff:        [Assp-test] Unable to create UDP Socket errors

Hi all,

I'm running ASSP on CENTOS 7, with Perl 5.30.1. I recently upgraded from 
b22137 to b22318.

Shortly afterwards, I'm seeing a new error from ASSP every few minutes:

[Worker_10000] Error: DNS - unable to create any UDP socket to nameservers 

* Not my actual DNS servers (I tested with Google public DNS and get the 
same result)

As far as I can tell, mail is still working ok, and all ASSP features seem 
fine, even my DNSBL and URIBL are apparently still working.

This has been rather difficult to troubleshoot, but `ss -tulpn` doesn't 
show anything excessive or unexpected as far as UDP usage.

I did note that the CENTOS bind packages did see an update installed 
around this time as well. There was also a new kernel package installed. 
Perhaps there was a change in the behavior of that software that ASSP is 
having trouble dealing with?

I'm looking for ideas for continuing to troubleshoot this, and also 
wondering if anyone else is seeing anything similar.


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