
Thanks for that help.

Ok I updated the date format then added in this in the assp.conf file:

failregex = <HOST> \[EarlyTalker\] got \'non printable hex data\'

and that seems to work when I run the test

Thanks a lot!

So these entries just get added to the iptables firewall, but would they
show up in CSF interface (do you know?)


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Lytle [] 
Sent: September-05-13 3:38 PM
To: For Users of ASSP
Subject: Re: [Assp-user] help with smtp attack

>> failregex = .*? \d{5}-\d{5} <HOST> <.*?> got \'non printable hex 
>> data\' from

I'm using ASSP version 2.  I had to change the ASSP logs to conform to what
Fail2Ban was expecting.  I was able to do this under logging.  The new
layout for my logs are:

DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss

Here is an example for banning relay attempts:

failregex = \[RelayAttempt\] <HOST>

And one for Authentication failures:

failregex = <HOST> .*?authentication failure

It took me a bit of time to get them to work, but using the fail2ban-regex
tool, I was finally able to get what I wanted.


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