>With the idea that the antivirus from hotmail/gmail are trusted, and they 
use spf and dkim policies.
IMHO, you should NOT trust them globaly - they are abused by hackers.


Because MS-Office documents (MSO-version > 2007) are ZIP-files, you need 
to add the same rule for them - like


There is an issue with 'NoChceckIf' in the versions you use!

fixed in assp 2.6.8 *SPAM-Evaporator* build 23002:

- ASSP_AFC.pm is upgraded to version 5.45 
fixed in assp 2.6.8 *SPAM-Evaporator* build 22251:


- the attachment 'NoCheckIf' rule was not working, if the SPF-check or the 
DKIM-check was skipped because of any condition (noprocessing, 
whitelisting, ...) 

You should switch to the latest fixup version 2.6.7 build 22280 or the 
latest dev version 2.6.8 build 23002

I also recomment to use the Groups feature:

example groups:

example userattach:

This way userattach only needs to be changed, if rules changes and a rule 
change applies to all group members. Rule to user/domain assignment is 
maintained in 'Groups'.


Von:    "Leandro N. Castro - INSETEC Informática" 
An:     "For Users of ASSP" <assp-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
Datum:  10.01.2023 14:19
Betreff:        [Assp-user] Question about NoCheckIf for trusted domains

Hi I’m  trying to implement a new policy that allow all attachments from a 
trusted domain like gmail or hotmail, because many of our contacts use 
their webmail platforms to send files (for example old msole doc files or 
some excel macro files). 
With the idea that the antivirus from hotmail/gmail are trusted, and they 
use spf and dkim policies.
I started to experiment using NoCheckIf functionality in this way (in 
I have a couple of Centos 7 VMs with ASSP version 2.6.5  *SPAM-Evaporator* 
 build 21218, Plugins ASSP_AFC 5.38
The issue is that work different in two ASSPs (with different domains), 
for example that one of them still blocked MSOLE files and I should to add 
the allowed group to the NoCheckIf line
~AllowedFiles => xlsm|xlsx|xls|xlsb|doc|docx|HLMSOLE|MSOM
There is a way to trust in a domain like this who use spf and dkim 
policies, without to add allowed groups to receive all?
Thanks in advance.

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