Atomic Host users and friends:

We need your help to decide how Docker will be installed & run in Fedora
Atomic Host in the future.


THE WAY IT IS NOW: one specific Docker version ships with Fedora Atomic
Host, and is included in the OSTree and all update.  Currently it is
1.13.  In CentOS, there is an older Docker version, plus a package
called "docker-latest" which includes 1.13.  CRI-O and alternate
container runtimes do not ship with Fedora Atomic Host, except for runc
with systemd for running system containers.

THE WAY IT MIGHT BE: We could stop shipping any version of Docker with
Fedora Atomic Host, and make it so that all container runtimes aside
from the basic runc are installed as system containers.

ADVANTAGES of the change:
* Smaller base OS image/OStree
* Fewer updates to the base OS
* Easier for users to run alternate versions of Docker
* Easier for users to run alternate container runtimes

DISADVANTAGES of the change:
* Extra install step when setting up a new Atomic Host
* Docker no longer gets updates by "atomic host upgrade"

Note that making this change in Fedora Atomic Host does not guarantee
that the same change will be made downstream in CentOS Atomic Host or
Red Hat Atomic Host.

Help us figure out what to do, fill out the survey.

Josh Berkus
Project Atomic
Red Hat OSAS

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