On 10/31/2018 12:09 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *arnaud gaboury* <arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com <mailto:arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 4:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: upgrade 28 to 29
To: atomic-devel <atomic-devel@projectatomic.io <mailto:atomic-devel@projectatomic.io>>

I am running Atomic host 28 and want to upgrade to 29.

Here is what I did:
# ostree remote add --set=gpgkeypath=/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-29-primary fedora-atomic-29 https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/atomic/repo/
# rpm-ostree rebase fedora-atomic-29:fedora/29/x86_64/atomic-host
[sudo] password for gabx:
1 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 569 B transferred in 1 seconds
Checking out tree 4a999b4... done
Inactive requests:
   grubby (already provided by grubby-8.40-18.fc29.x86_64)
Enabled rpm-md repositories: updates fedora yarn
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2018-10-30 16:46:30
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2018-10-28 11:00:54
rpm-md repo 'yarn' (cached); generated: 2018-10-30 13:30:31
Importing metadata [=============] 100%
Resolving dependencies... Forbidden base package replacements:
   libgcc 8.2.1-2.fc29 -> 8.2.1-4.fc29 (updates)
   libgomp 8.2.1-2.fc29 -> 8.2.1-4.fc29 (updates)
error: Some base packages would be replaced
# rpm-ostree rebase fedora/28/x86_64/updates/atomic-host
--> here the system upgrades like 300 packages, but when login I am at the loginprompt (no GUI start up).

now there are two ostree:
% rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: disabled
                    Version: 28.20181030.0 (2018-10-30 14:30:52)
                BaseCommit: 25c7332c5624c028363faf8f83e171645781e8ce4522f656781253d4a3c717ee               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool grubby                             httpie hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

● ostree://fedora-workstation:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation
                    Version: 28.20181027.0 (2018-10-27 16:02:21)
                BaseCommit: 1692d98fe75635c855f619ecb5a6915b31d58cdc98de056714e346a17d0dbd23               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool grubby                             httpie hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

Three questions:
1-why these two status? Cany I stay like this or shall I run rebase again, and if yes, to what?
2-How can I upgrade to 29 with dealing with the libgcc issue?
3- shall I use ... /x86_64/updates/atomic-host or .../x86_64/atomic-host? What is the difference?

Side note:is there any difference between Fedora silverblue and Atomic?

Thank you forhelp.

*EDIT 1:*

As I log now always on the prompt, I did a rollback:

# atomic host rollback
# gabx@yogabx➤➤ ~ State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: disabled
● ostree://fedora-workstation:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation
                    Version: 28.20181027.0 (2018-10-27 16:02:21)
                BaseCommit: 1692d98fe75635c855f619ecb5a6915b31d58cdc98de056714e346a17d0dbd23               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool grubby                             httpie hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

                    Version: 28.20181030.0 (2018-10-30 14:30:52)
                BaseCommit: 25c7332c5624c028363faf8f83e171645781e8ce4522f656781253d4a3c717ee               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool grubby                             httpie hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

What is weird is this output:

% cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="28.20181027.0 (Workstation Edition)" <--  why not atomic?
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora 28.20181027.0 (Workstation Edition)"
VARIANT="Workstation Edition"
  % cat /etc/ostree/remotes.d/fedora-workstation.conf
[remote "fedora-workstation"]
url=https://dl.fedoraproject.org/atomic/repo/  <-- here it says repo is atomic

If I remember correctly, when I installed Atomic 28, the OS-release conf was mistakenly showing workstation.

Now what shall I do to go back  to a plain Atomic 29 and not a /workstation/ ?

*EDIT 2*:

I ran:

#  rpm-ostree rebase fedora-atomic-29:fedora/29/x86_64/updates/atomic-host
---packages were installed

% rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: disabled
                    Version: 29.20181031.0 (2018-10-31 15:10:53)
                BaseCommit: 2a6b4c8e4a12ae9cb5aaeddcc57a3f7aa38cf22839c955a6e84d3dbe2a6e0fd0               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 5A03B4DD8254ECA02FDA1637A20AA56B429476B4            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool httpie                             hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

● ostree://fedora-workstation:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation
                    Version: 28.20181027.0 (2018-10-27 16:02:21)
                BaseCommit: 1692d98fe75635c855f619ecb5a6915b31d58cdc98de056714e346a17d0dbd23               GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1            LayeredPackages: byacc chrome-gnome-shell dnf fedora-workstation-repositories                             flex gcc git gnome-terminal-nautilus gnome-tweak-tool grubby                             httpie hugo kubernetes-client nano nodejs python2-kobo-rpmlib
                             python3-kobo-rpmlib snapd vim zsh

I am now on Atomic 29, but some packages are missing, like Firefox and package manager. So I am back to 28 (:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation)
until someone can tell me what is the proper way.

Atomic Host is different from Silverblue/Workstation. Atomic Host is targeted at server-style use cases. Silverblue is targeted at workstation-style use cases. The underlying technologies are shared (ostree/rpm-ostree, containers), but they have different use cases.

If you want things like a GUI, Firefox, etc, you'll want to run Silverblue. You can use the ref `fedora-workstation:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation` or `fedora-workstation:fedora/29/x86_64/workstation`

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