
Are you sure that you've installed avahi's python bindings on your system?


2008/8/27 Fatih Arslan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement avahi support for synergy. Synergy let you
> share your keyboard/mouse with other pc's, it's a cross-platform
> application. For example you can use your Mac keyboard, in your
> Windows Pc, vice versa.
> In synergy you have to write the servers hostname or ip adress for
> each client. That mean's each client have to know the server's
> hostname or ip adress. But with avahi support, it would be automatic,
> that means the server has only to set up his software and write the
> client's hostname. That means only the server side has some work, but
> for the client side it would be very easy.
> Now i don't know where to start, i've found some python scripts from
> the avahi homepage. These scripts:
> PythonPublishExample
> PythonBrowseExample
> Now the problem is, if i try to run the first script, i get the error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "synergy_avahi.py", line 3, in <module>
>    import avahi
> ImportError: No module named avahi
> --
> Fatih ARSLAN
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