Odd, thought I had replied but I do not see it in my mailbox...

I am putting it at the top of my todo list for post-xmas. Given that I 
got to write my thesis last christmas break, it should work out well.


Federico Lucifredi wrote:
> Lennart Poettering wrote:
> [snip]
>> Currently we implement wide-area DNS-SD only read-only (i.e. no
>> publishing). What is missing is the implementation of DNS Update and
>> DNS-LLQ. Since a couple of aeons Federico Lucifredi claims that he
>> has been working on that. I haven't seen a single line of code
>> however, hence I would assume that the project of adding proper
>> wide-area support to Avahi is up for grabs...
>> Or, Federico, is there any chance we'll see a patch soon?
> Well, the code is in my branch in the repository. I will try to clean it 
> up during Xmas break, I usually get time to actually code during the two 
> weeks after D-Day.
> Sorry for the eternal wait - but it is there and it works :-)
>   Best -F

-- "'Problem' is a bleak word for challenge" - Richard Fish
(Federico L. Lucifredi) - flucifr...@acm.org
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