Hello everybody,


I got a weird issue with avahi and cannot find information on this.


avahi is announcing 57 of 98 cups printers/queues. I expected all of them to
be announced.


Moreover there is no consequent scheme in the announcements. Some queues are
announced with their queue name, some with their description, for example


hostname001 @ printserver


printer model @ printserver


All printers are shared in cups and I don't get why some are announced and
some not. I even got two queues with the same driver, one is announced, the
other not. Both destinations are ipp.


So I was trying to get information on how avahi receives the infos from cups
that are announced. Couldn't find anything. It is probably not depending on
the printcap file that cups creates. I guess avahi runs mDNS queries against
loopback interface where cups is answering?


My goal was to get the txt records via 'avahi-browse -t -r _ipp._tcp | grep
hostname' to get them registered in company wide BIND dns servers. If there
is another way to get the information, please point me ot it. Or is the only
other way to manually check if each printer can punch, collate, staple,
duplex ...? In the worst case I will create service files for each printer
in /etc/avahi/services/ for which I need the information from the txt
records too. 


My setup is cups 2.3.1-9ubuntu1.1 running on ubuntu 20.04.3 and avahi-daemon
is 0.7-4ubuntu7.1


Also I'm not sure if this issue is placed correctly here or if it is more of
a cups issue, which I should place on their mailing list?


Thank you for any hint, Björn

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