
When I try this anonymous checkout I get:

$ svn checkout axiom

it fails immediately with:

  svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/trunk'
  svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/trunk': Could not read status line:
  An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


It seems like subversion just does like me. :-(

I repeat it the checkout and it works here. :( . I do not know what is
going on. That was in your windows or linux box?

So it's true. Subversion does like me...

BTW, what release of the SourceForge repository is this?
I notice that


is still in this archive, but I am quite sure Gaby deleted it last
night. Which raises the question of how to keep this version up to
date with the SourceForge version.

I am at revision 151.


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