> Now, a checkout of Google trunk I get this other error:
> Error: In directory 'C:\Documents and
> Settings\alfredo\Desktop\axiom\axiom\src\hyper\pages'
> Error: Can't copy 'C:\Documents and
> to 'C:\Documents and
> The system cannot find the file
> Error: specified.

This is a classic windows error:  you're trying to check out a
directory which contains two files that differ only in case.
(POLY.pht and poly.pht).  This works fine on Unix systems, but not on
win32 filesystems which are case-insensitive.  The two files simply
cannot coexist in the same directory on windows... windows considers
them to be the same file.

Thank you Ben.

You need to clean up the files in that repository directory, so that
the directory can happily exist on win32.    Either have a unix person
delete redundant files (are POLY.pht and poly.pht identical?), or
rename them.

Tim, can this be done without breaking something on Axiom? The two
files appear to be different.

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