I was fooling around with XSP Taglibs when I encountered this...

>From previous discussions I was aware that you needed to have a non-xsp
root tag in the xsp:page in order to make things work:

  <xsp:page ....>
       <bar />

That's just fine, but what I'm confused about is this: if you create
your taglib+namespace like so:

  <xsp:page ....>
        <my:bar />

In this case it seems that either AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler::start_document
doesn't get called, or at least it doesn't create the

   sub handler {
      my( $r, $cgi, $document ) = @_;

portion of the XSP code. And sure enough,
AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler::start_document() doesn't start declaring the
handler() sub. That's fine as well, but in that case, why is that we
have this line in AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler::end_document() ?

   $e->{XSP_Script} .= "return OK;\n}\n";

That is, why close the handler() routine in end_document() when
start_document() doesn't open it anyways? Shouldn't this be in
AxKit::XSP::DefaultHandler or some such thing? Or maybe
AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler::start_document() should actually start the
handler() declaration?


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