Thank's, I will try tomorrow.
If you can answer or another person of the list of my second question.
Thank's a lot,

----- Mail original -----
De: "Gabriel Kerneis" <>
À: "michael holcman1" <>
Envoyé: Jeudi 20 Février 2014 16:42:31
Objet: Re: help about babelweb

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 04:26:32PM +0100, wrote:
> Thank's. I made all that but it doesn't work. May be i have to install
> adobe flash ?

You need to explain exactly what you need, and what you observe.  We
cannot guess what goes wrong! What do you mean specifically by "it
doesn't work":
- Does the "nc :: 33123" test work on the server?
- Did you install node.js successfully on the server?
- Did you install babelweb successfully on the server (what is the
  output of "npm install -g babelweb")?
- Did you launch babelweb sucessfully on the server (what is the output
  of "babelweb" in a terminal)?
- What happens when you try to reach http://localhost:8080/ ?

> I would like to enhance the parameter: […]

This is unrelated to babelweb, so I'll skip it for now.

> What is the URL of the babel USERS ?


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