> But I have a set of additional routes (created by olsrd) on
> - host_a (debian) in the main kernel routing table
> - host_b (openwrt) in a dedicated routing table

> But none of the gets considered to be announced.

You need to explicitly ask babeld to announce these routes.  You need to
add something like the following to your /etc/babeld.conf:

    redistribute proto 3 allow

(I believe olsrd uses proto 3 to tag its routes, but I could be wrong.
Please check with "ip route show" and compare with /etc/iproute2/rt_protos).

If you don't want to announce the local host routes, you must additionally

    redistribute local deny

The redistribution and filtering language is fairly fine-grained, you
might want to check the babeld manual page if you have specific
redistribution requirements.

-- Juliusz

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