The "random-id" setting looks promising, thanks!

I'm not using physical devices but rather Linux namespaces linked together
using veth interfaces, in the 7-node case I've got a topology that looks
similar to this: -
but without the "Internet" and H vertices. Presently, I'm starting my
babeld instances in 2.1 seconds intervals and then wait 25 seconds for

I've also got WireGuard tunneling between vertices, which might also be
complicating things, I'll try to find out how the mesh would perform
without it.

Thanks for the tips,

pt., 23 mar 2018 o 23:48 użytkownik Juliusz Chroboczek <>

> > However, using a more convoluted 7-node setup I can hardly get under 40
> > seconds.
> How are you measuring?  Are you rebooting your routers, or merely toggling
> links up/down?
> If the latter, than there is a problem.  If the former, then you should
> either make sure that the state file is preserved across reboots, or run
> with "random-id true".
> Explanation: a Babel router's seqno must be preserved across reboots in
> order to avoid spuriously triggering the loop-avoidance algorithm.  This
> is what the state file is used for.  If for some reason you cannot
> preserve the seqno, the "random-id" option can be used to create a new set
> of loop-avoidance state at each boot.
> -- Juliusz
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