Here's a chunk of stats. This is based on Page views. Anything  below
about 100k page views is registering as Zero percent, FYI, although each
browser listed is showing *some* page impressions. 3 page views were in
IE1.5! How sweet.

I've stripped out the PI numbers, sorry, as I think that might be
slightly more sensitive data, but it gives you a good idea of the
breakdown of usage. For some reason, our stats software would give me a
detailed breakdown of the IE versions, but not firefox, or safari. I
think the little abacus gerbils may be tired.

Browser Stats, whole of, February 2007        
Browser Type      % of Total PageViews   
IE      76.92
Mozilla-Firefox 11.59
Safari  2.87
Cable   1.5
Netscape        0.95
Opera   0.37
Pocket_PC       0.28
KDDI-EZweb      0.28
AOL     0.05
Lynx    0.02
Java    0
WebReaper       0
WAP     0
Bush    0
ITV     0
Emacs   0
J-Phone 0
Lotus   0
Mosaic  0
Lycos   0
I-Mode  0
Palm    0
PocketPC        0
Hot_Java        0
OmniWeb 0
Unidentified    5.17

Percentage breakdown within 76.92% IE category above    
Browser Type                      % of Total (IE ONLY) PageViews   
IE 6.0  62.78
IE 7.0  32.69
IE 5.5  3.31
IE 5.0  0.65
IE 4.0  0.38
IE 5.2  0.1
IE 5.1  0.07
IE 3.0  0.01
IE 6.1  0
IE 4.5  0
IE 2.0  0
IE 6.5  0
IE 5.8  0
IE 4.1  0
IE 2.1  0
IE 7.6  0
IE 5.6  0
IE 1.0  0
IE 6.3  0
IE 5.4  0
IE 6.9  0
IE 7.1  0
IE 6.2  0
IE 1.5  0

These figs are from a different system, so probably not totally
commensurate with the above.
browser % breakdown for apx august 06 to november 06    
Known Browsers  93.04%
IE6     71.39%
Firefox 11.14%
Safari  2.86%
IE7     2.75%
IE5.5   2.70%
IE5     0.57%
Opera   0.49%
Mozilla 0.39%
MSN     0.32%
IE1234  0.25%
NS7     0.17%
PPCIE4  0.14%
Opera 8 0.13%
NS8     0.09%
NS4     0.06%
NS3     0.05%
Text    0.04%
Opera 7 0.04%
Other   0.03%
NS12    0.01%
OmniWeb 0%

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