
Elodie Chapeaublanc wrote on 2014-07-08 10:48:09 +0200 [[BackupPC-users] 
fileListReceive failed]:
> I just install backuppc on Ubuntu 12.04 with rsyncd.
> For client machines Windows, Ubuntu and Mac, i obtain this error message 
> "fileListReceive failed".

which version of rsyncd are they running?

> I managed to backup once ubuntu machine before 
> the error.
> How can I solve them ?
> [...]
> incr backup started back to 2014-07-02 17:06:58 (backup #0) for directory 
> Documents_win
> [...]
> Remote[1]: ERROR: buffer overflow in recv_rules [sender]
> Remote[1]: rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at 

What do your in-/excludes look like? Did you change them after that successful
backup of the Ubuntu machine? The error is happening on the remote machine(s)
(this is only one of the logs; I assume the error is the same in the other
cases?), but it seems to be triggered by what BackupPC (File::RsyncP) is
sending ...

Hope that helps.


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