Am 08.07.2014 19:38, schrieb Les Mikesell:
> So all files start with the "f" prefix. Don't mind about the prefix. But
> they are compressed somewhat.
> Do I have a chance to access the file content with some (more or less)
> default command line tools? I cannot use any BackupPC specific tools.
> First, the files are outside the /var/lib/BackupPC tree and second the
> do not reside on a BackupPC computer, just Linux.
> Any hints here?

> I think the backuppc compression is unique, so you'll have to install
> backuppc or at least enough of it to get BackupPC_zcat working.   It's
> just perl...    Of course if the old system still works, the web
> interface would have been the place t grab the files.
Hi Les,

thanks for the hint. I copied the files to my BackupPC and used
BackupPC_zcat. Worked like a charm! Ways better compared to any
complicated command line parameters of the other BackupPC tools ;D



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