
the issue I've raised 4 years ago:


still persists with BackupPC 3.3.0. Basically what happens is that
a combination of large new files and a slow connection between
backup server and client means that a full backup eventually times
out. Before that, it doesn't seem like data is being shoved across
the ether, so the ClientTimeout action seems legit. However, the
backup will be far from finished, and eventually be saved as
a partial.

The next day, BackupPC awakes, tries to resume, and eventually times
out again.

And then this happens every subsequent day.

Instead, I'd expect BackupPC to keep growing the partial backup so
that it eventually becomes a full backup.

I am using rsync+ssh.

Here are relevant configuration items:

  $Conf{ClientTimeout} = 72000;
  $Conf{PartialAgeMax} = 3;

Any tips appreciated…

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
spooning leads to forking
                             -- seen on a t-shirt by david & goliath
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