also sprach Adam Goryachev <> [2016-08-04 
16:04 +0200]:
> I've used ls -l /proc/pid/fds or strace or lsof etc... all work,
> some are better on the client rather than the backuppc server.

In fact, I found none of those useful on the server.

> I've also used tail -f XferLOG | Backuppc_zcat which does work,
> but doesn't update in real time (ie, you have to wait for a number
> of lines of log output before you see the update.....

I've tried this, but I get:

  /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_zcat: can't uncompress stdin

This is using BackupPC 3.3.0 (Debian stable)

> Not sure of a "better" way.... Backuppc 4.0 includes a counter for
> number of files xfered though that doesn't help for BPC 3.x

The counter isn't really that useful, I think, especially not if it
doesn't have a "X of Y files" total that doesn't change (cf. rsync,
which is kinda useless, as the total keeps increasing).

The more I think about it, the more I want XferLOG
uncompressed/unbuffered, but also structured in a way so that it
starts a new line when it inspects a file, and then finishes the
line with details and the verdict (same, create, link, …)

also sprach Tony Schreiner <> [2016-08-04 15:52 +0200]:
> Also on the backup host, you can get the  process id of the current dump
> processes (there will be two per host during file transfer), and do
> (sudo) ls -l /proc/{pid1,pid2}/fd
> if a file is being written to backup it will show up in this list. But be
> aware that there are times (sometimes long) when files are not being written

What happens during those times?

@martinkrafft | |
"zum christentum wird man nicht geboren,
 man muß dazu nur krank genug sein."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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