also sprach Les Mikesell <> [2016-08-06 18:19 +0200]:
> Why is it likely that you would want to read backuppc logs on
> systems that don't have backuppc installed.

Well, I collect all logs to a central location, but sure, this isn't
the normal usecase.

> And why not do it through the web interface where you don't need
> to care about how it is uncompressed?

Because the web interface is dreadfully slow and doesn't provide
grep, other Unix tools, nor shell automation.

> > I'll need to investigate this possibility. Generally, I try to
> > avoid Perl because I just don't get it. If you have any
> > pointers, that'd be great!
> You can use a variety of different styles when writing perl.  It
> can look like C, shell, awk, or a few other languages so it is
> fairly easy to write if you already know some computer language.
> The hard part comes when you try to understand someone else's code
> where they used a different style - or your own code from a few
> years ago...

Yeah, exactly… or when trying to figure out where to add code to an
existing project. ;)

@martinkrafft | |
"it is easier to be a lover than a husband for the simple reason
 that it is more difficult to be witty every day
 than to say pretty things from time to time."
                                                 -- honoré de balzac

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