Well, I have no idea what bfill is.  It must be some silly hold over from long 
ago.   I just deleted it from the source code.

If "fill" works, you are in good shape. Please ignore the bfill junk ...



On Wednesday 22 November 2006 17:23, Ralf Gross wrote:
> Kern Sibbald said:
> > On Wednesday 22 November 2006 08:12, Ralf Gross wrote:
> >> Ralf Gross schrieb:
> >> > I'm testing bacula 1.39.28 with our new NEC-T40A changer (LTO3
> Ultrium
> >> > drive). btape's test and fill commands were successful. Only bfill
> finished with an error message.
> >> >
> >> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++19-Nov 21:58 btape:
> End of Volume "" at 425:8650 on device "NEC-T40A" (/dev/nst0). Write
> of 64512 bytes got -1.
> >> > 19-Nov 21:58 btape: Re-read of last block succeeded.
> >> >
> >> > Write failed at block 6596150.
> >> > 19-Nov 21:58 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1655 because:
> >> > dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> >> > btape: btape.c:483 Bad status from weof. ERR=dev.c:1654 Attempt to
> WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Is this something I have to worry about?
> >> Any ideas on this? I just want to know if this is something I have to
> take care about before I declare the T40A changer is working fine with
> bacula.
> >
> > Without knowing the details, this does not look too good.  It appears
> more
> > like a bug than a tape problem, but if I were you I would resolve the
> problem
> > before relying on the changer.  Possibly part of the problem is that you
> have
> > edited the output rather than presenting everything so I cannot see
> everything.
> >
> > In any case, btape should not be getting this kind of error.  At a first
> glance, it looks like btape attempted to write on the tape after
> re-reading
> > the last block, which is not what it normally does -- I suspect this is
> because you edited the messages.  In any case, with the little snipit of
> output it is impossible to get an idea of what is causing the problem.
> >
> Well, bfill doesn't give me much more output than the above.
> ------- bfill -------
> *bfill
> btape: btape.c:2536 Begin writing Bacula blocks of 64512 bytes.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> [bacula is filling the tape]
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++22-Nov 15:05 btape:
> End of Volume "" at 427:8518 on device "LTO3" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512
> bytes got -1.
> 22-Nov 15:05 btape: Re-read of last block succeeded.
> Write failed at block 6596018.
> 22-Nov 15:05 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1655 because:
> dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> btape: btape.c:483 Bad status from weof. ERR=dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on
> non-appendable Volume
> Here is btape's output:
> ------- test -------
> ./btape /dev/nst0
> Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
> btape: butil.c:272 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
> 22-Nov 13:08 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 13:08 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 1.
> 22-Nov 13:08 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 13:08 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 1.
> btape: btape.c:356 open device "LTO3" (/dev/nst0): OK
> *test
> === Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
> I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
> then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
> and re-read the data to verify that it is correct.
> This is an *essential* feature ...
> btape: btape.c:813 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:829 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:838 Rewind OK.
> 1000 blocks re-read correctly.
> Got EOF on tape.
> 1000 blocks re-read correctly.
> === Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
> === Write, rewind, and position test ===
> I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
> then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
> and position to a few blocks and verify that it is correct.
> This is an *essential* feature ...
> btape: btape.c:925 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:941 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:950 Rewind OK.
> Reposition to file:block 0:4
> Block 5 re-read correctly.
> Reposition to file:block 0:200
> Block 201 re-read correctly.
> Reposition to file:block 0:999
> Block 1000 re-read correctly.
> Reposition to file:block 1:0
> Block 1001 re-read correctly.
> Reposition to file:block 1:600
> Block 1601 re-read correctly.
> Reposition to file:block 1:999
> Block 2000 re-read correctly.
> === Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
> === Append files test ===
> This test is essential to Bacula.
> I'm going to write one record  in file 0,
>                    two records in file 1,
>              and three records in file 2
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> 22-Nov 13:09 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 13:09 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 1.
> btape: btape.c:356 open device "LTO3" (/dev/nst0): OK
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1079 Now moving to end of medium.
> btape: btape.c:508 Moved to end of medium.
> We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
> Now the important part, I am going to attempt to append to the tape.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> Done appending, there should be no I/O errors
> Doing Bacula scan of blocks:
> 1 block of 64448 bytes in file 1
> End of File mark.
> 2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
> End of File mark.
> 3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
> End of File mark.
> 1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
> End of File mark.
> Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
> End scanning the tape.
> We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
> The above Bacula scan should have output identical to what follows. Please
> double check it ...
> === Sample correct output ===
> 1 block of 64448 bytes in file 1
> End of File mark.
> 2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
> End of File mark.
> 3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
> End of File mark.
> 1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
> End of File mark.
> Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
> === End sample correct output ===
> If the above scan output is not identical to the
> sample output, you MUST correct the problem
> or Bacula will not be able to write multiple Jobs to
> the tape.
> === Write, backup, and re-read test ===
> I'm going to write three records and an EOF
> then backup over the EOF and re-read the last record.
> Bacula does this after writing the last block on the
> tape to verify that the block was written correctly.
> This is not an *essential* feature ...
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:692 Wrote first record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:703 Wrote second record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:714 Wrote third record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:730 Backspaced over EOF OK.
> btape: btape.c:735 Backspace record OK.
> btape: btape.c:753
> Block re-read correct. Test succeeded!
> === End Write, backup, and re-read test ===
> === Forward space files test ===
> This test is essential to Bacula.
> I'm going to write five files then test forward spacing
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1559 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:1561 Wrote block to device.
> btape: btape.c:487 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1293 Now forward spacing 1 file.
> We should be in file 1. I am at file 1. This is correct!
> btape: btape.c:1305 Now forward spacing 2 files.
> We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
> btape: btape.c:457 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1318 Now forward spacing 4 files.
> We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
> btape: btape.c:1336 Now forward spacing 1 more file.
> We should be in file 5. I am at file 5. This is correct!
> === End Forward space files test ===
> Ah, I see you have an autochanger configured.
> To test the autochanger you must have a blank tape
>  that I can write on in Slot 1.
> Do you wish to continue with the Autochanger test? (y/n): y
> === Autochanger test ===
> 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded" command.
> Slot 1 loaded. I am going to unload it.
> 3302 Issuing autochanger "unload 1 0" command.
> unload status=OK 0
> 3303 Issuing autochanger "load 1 0" command.
> 3303 Autochanger "load 1 0" status is OK.
> 22-Nov 13:11 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 13:11 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 1.
> btape: btape.c:356 open device "LTO3" (/dev/nst0): OK
> btape: btape.c:1223 Rewound "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1230 Wrote EOF to "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> The test autochanger worked!!
> ------- fill -------
> * fill
> This command simulates Bacula writing to a tape.
> It requires either one or two blank tapes, which it
> will label and write.
> If you have an autochanger configured, it will use
> the tapes that are in slots 1 and 2, otherwise, you will
> be prompted to insert the tapes when necessary.
> It will print a status approximately
> every 322 MB, and write an EOF every 3.2 GB.  If you have
> selected the simple test option, after writing the first tape
> it will rewind it and re-read the last block written.
> If you have selected the multiple tape test, when the first tape
> fills, it will ask for a second, and after writing a few more
> blocks, it will stop.  Then it will begin re-reading the
> two tapes.
> This may take a long time -- hours! ...
> Do you want to run the simplified test (s) with one tape
> or the complete multiple tape (m) test: (s/m) m
> Multiple tape test selected.
> 22-Nov 15:12 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1655 because:
> dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume1".
> Wrote Start of Session label.
> 15:12:17 Begin writing Bacula records to first tape ...
> Wrote blk_block=6605000, dev_blk_num=4966 VolBytes=320,366,592
> rate=64073.3 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=6610000, dev_blk_num=9966 VolBytes=642,926,592
> rate=71436.3 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=6615000, dev_blk_num=14966 VolBytes=965,486,592
> rate=74268.2 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=6620000, dev_blk_num=4466 VolBytes=1,288,046,592
> rate=64402.3 KB/s
> 15:12:40 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote blk_block=6625000, dev_blk_num=1000 VolBytes=1,610,606,592
> rate=64424.3 KB/s
> [--snip--]
> 17:13:39 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote blk_block=13185000, dev_blk_num=1000 VolBytes=424,809,326,592
> rate=58304.9 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=13190000, dev_blk_num=6000 VolBytes=425,131,886,592
> rate=58301.1 KB/s
> 22-Nov 17:13 btape: End of Volume "TestVolume1" at 618:10923 on device
> "LTO3" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
> 22-Nov 17:13 btape: Re-read of last block succeeded.
> btape: btape.c:2331 Last block at: 618:10922 this_dev_block_num=10923
> btape: btape.c:2365 End of tape 618:0. VolumeCapacity=425,449,543,680.
> Write rate = 58280.8 KB/s
> 22-Nov 17:13 btape: End of medium on Volume "TestVolume1"
> Bytes=425,449,543,680 Blocks=6,594,890 at 22-Nov-2006 17:13.
> 22-Nov 17:14 btape: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0"
> command.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", status is OK.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 2.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1655 because:
> dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 2.
> Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume2".
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "TestVolume2" on
> device "LTO3" (/dev/nst0)
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: New volume "TestVolume2" mounted on device "LTO3"
> (/dev/nst0) at 22-Nov-2006 17:15.
> Done writing 0 records ...
> Wrote End of Session label.
> Wrote state file last_block_num1=10922 last_block_num2=11
> 17:15:51 Done filling tapes at 0:13. Now beginning re-read of first tape ...
> 22-Nov 17:15 btape: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2, drive 0"
> command.
> 22-Nov 17:16 btape: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:17 btape: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", status is OK.
> 22-Nov 17:17 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:17 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 1.
> 22-Nov 17:17 btape: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume1" on device
> "LTO3" (/dev/nst0).
> Rewinding.
> Reading the first 10000 records from 0:0.
> 10000 records read now at 1:5084
> Reposition from 1:5084 to 618:10922
> Reading block 10922.
> The last block of the first tape matches.
> 22-Nov 17:17 btape: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0"
> command.
> 22-Nov 17:18 btape: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:19 btape: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", status is OK.
> 22-Nov 17:19 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
> 22-Nov 17:19 btape: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 2.
> 22-Nov 17:19 btape: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume2" on device
> "LTO3" (/dev/nst0).
> Reposition from 0:0 to 0:1
> Reading block 1.
> The first block on the second tape matches.
> Reposition from 0:2 to 0:11
> Reading block 11.
> The last block on the second tape matches. Test succeeded.
> *
> So, the fill and test commands are successful, but bfill fails.
> And interestingly the fill command gives the same Fatal Error at beginning
> as bfill does!
> * weof
> 22-Nov 17:20 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1655 because:
> dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> btape: btape.c:483 Bad status from weof. ERR=dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on
> non-appendable Volume
> *cap
> Configured device capabilities:
> Device status:
> Device parameters:
> Device name: /dev/nst0
> File=0 block=12
> Min block=0 Max block=0
> Status:
>  Bacula status: file=0 block=12
>  Device status: ONLINE IM_REP_EN file=0 block=12
> btape: btape.c:1787 Device status: 641. ERR=dev.c:1654 Attempt to WEOF on
> non-appendable Volume
> Version: 1.39.28 (12 November 2006)
> Ubuntu 6.06
> Kernel 2.6.15-27-amd64-server
> NEC-T40A Autochanger
> IBM Ultrium 3 tape drive
> Ralf
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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