Hi, Richard,

At 12:48 PM 11/5/2004, you wrote:
>>I agree. If I take the Revelation of Baha'u'llah as a whole it would be a 

IMO, a structurization is a naming of particulars, or other structurizations of 
particulars, defined as belonging to the same category. Some structurizations 
function, for purposes of definition, as master categories which incorporate other 
structurizations or universals. For instance, the structurization of oppression is 
defined as including the structurizations of racism, classism, sexism, ableism, 
ageism, heterosexism, etc. However, in reality, all structurization is about 
particulars, and structurization merely represents attempts to categorize them.

I would say that, through divine Revelation (the expression of the names and 
attributes of God, appearing in the Prophets, through human language), divine 
structurization takes place.

>>Its intent is to bring about a new structurization which I believe could be referred 
>>to as the recognition of the unity of mankind as manifested in the establishment of 
>>the World Order of Baha'u'llah.<<  

I agree with that understanding.

>>If naming is a necessary process of structurization then the Covenant that around 
>>which the sturcturization must revolve.<<

IMO, all structurization is willful - either divine or human will. The Covenant, as I 
see it, is really another word for the divine Will.

Mark A. Foster * http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger" 
-- Mark Twain and Abbie Hoffman 

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