On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 09:58:44 -0800 (PST), JS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> G:  Yes, I understand that this is what Bahais are trying to say. That
> Christians have a concept of finality, but were wrong because Muhammad
> came afterwards. So the point is to try to say that the Muslim concept
> of finality is the same, and equally wrong, so it would make it more
> plausible that Bahaullah could come.
> J:  Good summary of my personal view.
> G:  And the point I'm making is that even from a Christian perspective,
> they aren't claiming finality for themselves in the same way that
> Muslims are. That in concrete ways they are actually open to future
> revelation and future prophets and future messages.
> J:  I think that in your statement above you are incorporating Islam thought
> into Christianity.  Try to understand Christianity from a Christian
> perspective, not an Islamic one.  They will never universally accept a
> prophet who will also add to their Bible. 

I think you are setting the bar high. I never said that Christians
expected a new world world prophet who would replace the Bible with a
new revelation. All I've been saying is that Islam (as understood by
the overwhelming majority to an extremely high degree of consensu)
teaches that prophethood ended with Muhammad (saaws). While
Christianity does NOT teach that prophethood ended with Jesus (saaws).
There are consistent reasonable plausible understandings of the word
"prophet" which make both those statements true at the same time.

Do you agree or disagree?



"My people are hydroponic"

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